My Beloved,
Do not lose heart.
Do not give up. Do not give in.
Let your heart be encouraged with these words.
I have not forgotten you. Your prayer is in process. Your answer is in transit. My timing is perfect. My way is best.
I, the Lord your God, will sustain you.
Continue to Trust Me and My love for you. Trust My timing and My plan. Trust the work of My hands.
Yes, I work for your good while you wait for Me.
The enemy tries to distract you, slow you down, discourage you, and divert you from your purpose. He whispers lies to get you to doubt. He throws obstacles in your path to wear you out.
When you feel weary, run to Me. Rest in Me. Gain strength in Me. Stay focused on Me.
Cry out to Me. I will answer. Listen to My words. When you tune into My voice, the voice of the enemy is tuned out.
Beloved, it is in Me that you find heart ... heart to continue doing good and the heart to continue believing in the promise of what I have said ... and what is ahead.
Keep the faith. Don't lose heart.
Your Way Maker, Jesus Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Galatians 6:9
For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him! Isaiah 64:6