Thank you for being brave. For stepping into the water, for trusting Me and My love for you.
Here in the stillness, I have so much to share with you, about Me, and about you.
While others go about their busyness, you and I are connecting, right now. Of the seven billion people on earth, you have My attention. You have My heart.
I am a personal God who cares about you and what you are going through in life.
I'm a good Father, who enjoys spending time with you and listening to what you have to share.
This week, I invite you to share everything with Me; the big and the small. Hold nothing back.
What may seem insignificant to you, matters very much to Me. You matter to Me.
As you share it all with Me, know this. You have My undivided attention.
I am in the stillness, listening and caring for you.
All My love,
Papa God