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Hello again,

In the stillness, can you hear Me singing over you? It's a beautiful song of love and rejoicing.

I am so proud of you. Day-by-day you are choosing to notice Me, to connect with Me. I know, sometimes it still feels like we are worlds apart.

This love note is sent to reassure you that I am here. Remember, when you accepted My Son, Jesus?

He was My gift to you. He willingly chose to come to earth to die and pay the price for your sins, sins that separated you from Me.

When you gave your life to Jesus, you exchanged ALL your sins for ALL our forgiveness, and you came into our family. Your choice made all of Heaven rejoice. Your choice made room for My Holy Spirit to come live inside of you. Through My Spirit, we are connected forever, here and throughout eternity. I am with you, always.

This week, in the busyness of your days, take time to pause and notice where I am around you. Connect with Me as you admire the beauty of My artwork in a sunset, as you hear a songbird sing my praise. Notice Me when you hear a child laughing or the beautiful sound of a newborn's cry. Ask Me where I am. I will show you.

As you do, I will be here, singing over you.

All my love,

Papa God

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