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Beloved, I'm calling you back to what matters most. I'm calling you back to Me. My love. My truth. My peace.

I see and hear the differing information, doctrines, and opinions coming at you from various sides. They're shouting over My whisper, clamoring for your attention.

Beloved, I designed your heart to hear My voice. I'm calling you back to Me, to your first love. The invitation has, and always will be, to immerse yourself in My love, peace, joy, and righteousness. It is your choice to shut out the outside voices and focus solely on Me, My voice, My words, My truth.

As you spend time with Me, hearing and reading My Word, filter it all through My Spirit of Holiness that resides within you. Ask Me for revelation. Ask Me for truth. Ask Me what I want to reveal personally to you for this moment in time.

Beloved, My arms are open, and I am eager to welcome you deeper into the stillness, into My love, into My peace.

Your Truth & Life,



Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life..." John 14:6

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you. Isaiah 26:3

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