Put down the heavy backpack and take a rest. Pause, notice, breathe. Take in the signs of life and beauty around you.
Do you see Me? Do you trust My love and who I AM?
Beloved, are you carrying in that backpack more than what I've entrusted you to carry? Don't answer right away. Ponder. Look. Ask. Listen. Then, exchange with Me that which is weighing you down. I will give you something lighter.
Give Me your burdens and let Me carry the heavy load and breathe hope and peace into your faithful soul.
That's it, give it to Me. I've got it, and I've got you.
Breathe deep, child; breathe in My goodness, My Peace, My Acceptance, My Hope, My Presence, My Comfort, and My Love.
Rest in who I AM.
I AM your source of peace.
I AM your refuge and strength.
I AM your very present help in time of trouble.
I AM with you.
I AM here to lighten your load.
Your Father,
Scripture: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1