Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
Child, I am here. I am waiting for you to invite Me into the places of your heart that have been wounded, hurt, and battered.
I can heal and restore your heart because I am the One who gave you your heart. Your heart was created for love, not for hurt. I know, others can be cruel sometimes. But I am not. I am kind and love you with an unconditional love. I love you just as you are, right where you are.
I am a safe place and the Restorer of broken hearts. There is nothing that I cannot heal or that I cannot restore. I created your heart to receive My love, your mind to receive My truth, and your voice to declare My goodness.
Open your heart to Me, listen to My voice of truth, and declare My love over yourself and your life. Declare the truth of who I say you are until your heart and your mind grab hold of it ... until it becomes part of you.
Say it aloud, I am lovable. I am worthy. I am adored.
You are loveable because I love you. You are worthy because I took your sins upon Myself. You are adored because I made you in My likeness. Did you know that when I look at you, I see Myself reflected in you? I can't help but love you, for I AM love.
Oh, dear one, trust Me with your heart. It is too precious to stay broken. You are too precious to Me to watch you continue to live with these woundings caused by others.
Give me your heart. Trust Me to make it whole again. For I am the One who heals the broken-hearted, and binds up all your wounds. (Psalm 147:3)
I am the Restorer of Your Heart.
All My Love,