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Treasured One,

My Word and My promises are true. My love never changes, and My faithfulness to you never wavers. My love is eternal, and I delight in the process of refining you. For you are a treasure to Me and to the world around you. A treasure marked for brilliance.

Your heart is like a multifaceted diamond. When you invited Me in, I began transforming it into a perfect jewel-one that reflects My love and My inner peace. Yes, I know the pressures around you seem great. Don't let them overwhelm you. Instead, ask Me how I can refine you in the midst of understanding, in the process of healing, and on the path of overcoming.

Just like a brilliant diamond was once carbon under pressure, you too are being made brilliant through the pressures of life. What the enemy uses to harm you, I, your Craftsman, use to refine you.

I love to polish my treasures. I delight in keeping My chosen ones in community to polish and perfect each other. This is all part of My divine plan for you. To give you opportunities to love as I do, to strengthen your faith, and to share life with others.

Set by My hand, together you shine as a royal diadem for the glory of your King. Let the brilliance of My glory shine through you, child. You are a treasure of Mine ... a treasure marked for brilliance.

Your Refiner,


Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. Psalm 85:10-11 NIV

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