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Today's love note is a gentle reminder that you are created in love and for love. I designed you in such a way that only My love will meet your deepest desire for love and acceptance. I loved you before you were in your mother's womb. Child, you are loved, and you are My delight. Nothing you do or don't do will make Me love you any less.

When life's circumstances toss you around, step into My peace. Tune into My voice of love within you. When you find yourself reacting instead of responding to events, situations, or what others say . . . pause and take three deep breaths. Pause, breathe, and remember who lives within you; My Spirit of wisdom, counsel, patience, love, peace, and joy.

Remember where your roots are planted . . . deep, deep, deep in My love. Let My love and acceptance of you re-center your focus.

Come into the stillness and let Me help you sort out your thoughts, answer questions, and reinforce who you are. Listen to My gentle voice as I reveal what is right and what is not. Let Me share My Truth that protects your heart and mind and helps you love others.

I am always here. Come, sit with Me and let Me love you completely.

Your Heavenly Father, God

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! I John 3:1

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