Beloved ~
When did you start focusing on the roar of the wrong lion? Have you forgotten that he is an intimidator? An imposter?
He roars from afar to bring chaos into the peace, to cause you to scatter so that he does not taste defeat. He roars to threaten you and draw your focus away from Me. He roars to put fear into your thoughts and the atmosphere around you. Beloved, don't fall prey to his roar.
When you hear the enemy's roar, put on MY armor and roar louder.
Roar the truth of your salvation. Cover your heart with My righteousness. Stand firm in the Peace that lives within you.
When the enemy's roar backs you into a corner, shine a bright light in his face by declaring My Word.
He will see Me ... the Lion of Judah ... in you.
Remember whose you are and roar louder.
Roar My name.
The Lion of Judah. The One who is with you.
Your Conqueror,
Prayer: Jesus, thank you that I am yours and you are mine. Help me to not fall prey to the roar of the wrong lion. When I find myself backed into a corner, thank you for your armor and reminder to put it on and roar louder. Amen.
Be well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Look! The mighty Lion of Judah’s tribe, the root of David—he has conquered! Rev 5:5
For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory. Deuteronomy 20:4