I give you permission to lay it all down for a while; lay down the chores, the paperwork, the phone, and whatever else is occupying your mind and time.
I give you permission to make space in your day to simply breathe and be with Me.
️ All humanity became a living being from My very breath of life. Yet not many take the time to reconnect with ️ Me, the Giver and Sustainer of life.
Come back into ️the stillness. Come back into ️ My Garden. Fix your gaze on Me. Breathe deep of Me ... your Breath of Life. Breathe in My mercy. Breathe in My goodness. Breathe in My peace. Breathe in My love for you.
Breathe deep in this space I have created for you and Me. It is here that you are known, loved, and accepted. It is in this space that your breathing slows, tension drains away, and you find your rhythm in Me.
It is in this space that you connect to your Source of Life. It is here that I give you what you need for daily life. It is from this space that you can go out and be who I created you to be.
I give you permission. Will you give space and permission to yourself? Will you come into the Garden and breathe?
Your Breath of Life, Father God
Prayer: Yes! I give myself permission to come into the Garden and be with you. Thank you for your breath of life. Thank you for creating me to live in this beautiful space with you. I come, and I breathe your goodness and love.
Scripture: "The Spirit of God has made me. And the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Job 33:4